jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013

I have created this document with Hot potatoes to work with a song from the British Council page:


One small world Song

Sam lives in New York
(1)______ works on the banks of the Hudson river
Jean (2)______ lives in Paris
In a flat near the Eiffel (3)______.
Yem lives in Cambodia
In the capital city Phnom (4)______
Sarah lives in London
She likes to listen to (5)______ chimes of Big Ben.
So many cities in one (6)______ world
People live in South America, in Bogota
People (7)______ in Australia, in Canberra
In Europe and Asia and (8)______
Rome, Beijing and Nairobi
Paris, Calcutta and Tripoli.
Natasha (9)______ in Moscow
She walks past the Kremlin in the (10)______ snow
Haji lives in Cairo
The home of the (11)______, the land of the Pharaohs.
So many cities in (12)______ small world
People live in South America, in Bogotà
(13)______ live in Australia, in Canberra
In Europe and Asia (14)______ Africa
Rome, Beijing and Nairobi
Paris, Calcutta and Tripoli.

Listen to this song http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/songs/one-small-world

   Africa   and   He   live   lives   one   Paul   Penh   People   small   Sphinx   the   Tower   winter



One small world Song

Sam lives in New York
He works on the banks of the Hudson river
Jean Paul lives in Paris
In a flat near the Eiffel Tower.
Yem lives in Cambodia
In the capital city Phnom Penh
Sarah lives in London
She likes to listen to the chimes of Big Ben.
So many cities in one small world
People live in South America, in Bogota
People live in Australia, in Canberra
In Europe and Asia and Africa
Rome, Beijing and Nairobi
Paris, Calcutta and Tripoli.
Natasha lives in Moscow
She walks past the Kremlin in the winter snow
Haji lives in Cairo
The home of the Sphinx, the land of the Pharaohs.
So many cities in one small world
People live in South America, in Bogotà
People live in Australia, in Canberra
In Europe and Asia and Africa
Rome, Beijing and Nairobi
Paris, Calcutta and Tripoli.

Listen to this song http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/songs/one-small-world
Copy this code, and paste it into your web page to embed this Dropbox
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2. amarillo
5. marrón
6. rojo
7. rosa
8. gris
9. negro
1. azul
3. naranja
4. verde
7. morado

I have created a crossword to learn the colours. What do you think?

Hola a todos

Hola, mi nombre es Irene y trabajo como maestra de alumnos que necesitan una forma de enseñanza algo diferente. Actualmente me encuentro en una nueva etapa nueva en mi carrera que es la de prepararme para ser también maestra de lengua inglesa. Pero sobre todo soy madre de tres preciosidades (dos niñas y un niño) que son los que dan sentido a mi vida.

Así que como veis, a mi alrededor siempre hay niños y niñas haciéndome estar siempre la mar de entretenida. Mi intención es ayudarles para que aprendan a ser felices. ¿Difícil? Sólo si queremos que lo sea. Tal vez vuestras aportaciones me ayuden a conseguirlo. ¡Os espero!.